Indoor Ozone Gas System with Infectious Clothing Company
Queensland Company Comes to the Rescue for our Medical Front-Line
As if it isn’t enough that our nurses and doctors are dealing with unprecedented challenges with Covid-19 sweeping throughout the country, now they are dealing with a major shortage in medical scrubs and gear.
Sunshine Coast couple Pete and Sally Doran like many Australian’s watched in disbelief as reports began breaking out about our front-line workers running down to Bunnings mid shift for protective equipment so they can work the remainder of their shift, along with China scavenging Australian medical supplies and shipping them back to Asia.
“We were shocked to see the reports, and like a lot of Australians watching thought how can we help? We have developed close relationships with numerous hospitals and medical professionals around the country and see many as family now. Seeing this happening has been really disheartening” Sally said. “Pete was an ER nurse before we started our business Infectious Clothing Company which supplies whole medical teams their uniforms including scrubs, lab jackets, scrub hats etc. He knows first-hand how challenging ER can be at the best of times let alone trying to do their jobs without the proper gear putting themselves, their co-workers and families at risk. To know nurses and doctors are operating without the proper equipment to keep them safe is beyond belief” she said.
“We knew we had to do something, so we got on the phones and sourced scrubs from multiple countries to get supplies here as fast as possible, so our medical teams weren’t compromised any longer in one of the most crucial of times in our history. Our partners and suppliers rallied and together we were able to source and bring in enough scrubs to fulfil and supply 1000’s nurses, doctors and fron line staff” Pete said.
While warehouses around Australia sit empty, Infectious now have a large stock range right here in Australia ready to roll out to hospitals all around the country.
“20,000 pieces have landed in our warehouse just this week” Pete said “and we have more coming. That means health care professionals will be able to focus on saving lives rather than stressing about doing their jobs in contaminated clothing or possibly leaving the front-line understaffed to source additional uniforms to finish the rest of their shifts.”
Pete and Sally have formed strong relationships with health care uniform manufacturing giants Dickies Medical, WonderWink, BizCollection and others who have all committed to make it their top priority to get supplies into Australia and to those in need throughout the Covid_19.
“Health care workers, who traditionally have never worn scrubs have been struggling to find them so they can easily change in and out of them protecting their regular clothes and reducing the spread of the virus. It’s been no easy task with Australia’s supplies virtually wiped out” Sally said.
“Due to the Virus’s spreading capabilities, the probability of contamination is incredibly high, that’s why being able to have scrubs you only wear in the hospital is so important at present. To ensure all scrubs coming into Australia are safe (for our team and also our customers), we engaged local company Grenof to utilise their new ozone technology to ensure all shipments arriving into the country are safe.
Grenof’s Ozone Generator Indoor System is suitable for eliminating the virus from indoor surfaces. Ozone is an environmentally safe solution proven to be 3000 times more effective in killing coronavirus than bleaches and chlorine. Managing Director of Grenof Scott Barnes said “it is great to be helping Infectious Clothing to ensure that their important shipments for medical staff are free from any contaminations after arriving in Australia. The Grenof Ozone system has so many applications for businesses and we are proud to be working with suppliers to essential services to help them ensure maximum safety for their customers.
The Infectious Clothing team has been working remotely and extended hours to ensure we can get scrubs out fast and into the hands of medical professionals within a day or two. “We are thrilled to be doing our small part to help the frontline workers” Sally said.
You can order Infectious Clothing scrubs at or by calling their customer service team on 1300 661 475.
#stahome #stopthespread #socaldistancing
Media enquiries:
Infectious Clothing
Sally Doran
0405 255 214
Susan Toft
0412 125 120